North Pemiscot R-1 Junior /Senior HS




 Hello Mustang Fans! Follow along for announcements to stay up to date with your school and your student(s). These will be updated throughout the week.

General Information:

-          High School CSF (Christian Student Fellowship) meets every Wednesday during advisory in Mrs. Odom’s room.

-          Junior High CSF (Christian Student Fellowship) meets every Thursday during advisory in Mrs. Odom’s room.

-          Parent University will have a meeting in February (date TBA)

-          Junior-Senior Prom will take place on April 19th in the new gym

-          Spring break is March 25-25, school will resume on Tuesday, April 1st

-          MAKE UP MONDAYS: MARCH 3, MARCH 17, and APRIL 14

-          The end of the quarter is March 7. Report cards will go home March 14th.



Daily Announcements:

-          Mrs. Ball has ACT waivers available in her office for juniors and seniors to take the ACT free of charge.

-          Seniors: FAFSA Night is March 18 from 4-6. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Ball.


Student Spotlight

Our FFA traveled to Twin Rivers this week. Hunter Burge participated in Creed speaking. Our knowledge team placed 5th; they will be advancing to the district competition later this month. We are proud of you all!


Athletic Schedule

JHVB @ Home v. Campbell – March 14 6PM

It's a GREAT day to be a Mustang!
























Important Information:



1.  Students are NOT to be in the building without permission in the mornings.

2.   Do not leave class to come get an absentee slip or to turn in a doctors excuse.  This MUST be done in the morning, BEFORE the 8 o’clock bell rings.

3.  If you are going to be getting off the bus anywhere that is not your regular stop, you MUST get a bus pass from the office.  We will need your parents to call or send a note telling us where you will be going.   The bus drivers cannot let you off without permission. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! 

4.  Students, if the principal’s office is empty when you go to check in or out, you are to go to the superintendent’s building and check in with Mrs. Tammy.  If you do not check in with one of these two offices, you will not be marked correctly in the attendance system.

5.  Saturday school students, if you show up without your books, you will receive another Saturday.

6.  Don’t forget:  If you owe $5.00 or more in the lunchroom, you will NOT be able to purchase anything from the windows or participate/attend any extracurricular activities until your debt is paid. 

7.  If you drive or ride to school with someone, you are not to stay in the parked vehicle once you get on campus.